6:23 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
say something!
i hate the way some people say/blog about things
they way they type and talk
it is just really really disgusting
like there is this one person
and it really really TURNS ME OFF
why can't you just TALK NORMALLY!
nobody really talks like that,

EW........ please go and reflect.
thank you

OH and i forgot to mention one thing about open house

i was being nice handing out the sweet like thingys
and these 3 P6s acting like they were damn cool
were super cold
and i was trying to be SUPER FRIENDLY!
and they just look and talked to me in this
"omg please just go away, you are so damn irritating" way
SERIOUSLY, you think i want to go up to you?!
i am just trying to be nice,
and next year if you do come to SCGS
please try to change your attitude it may help.
i mean it is OPEN HOUSE!
there will be all sorts of people going up to ask you to their booth

you can just smile and take the freebies even if you don't go to the booth!