1:28 AM
Sunday, June 13, 2010
say something!
This time, it feels better.
6:29 PM
Monday, June 7, 2010
say something!
Everything's just falling apart.
Bit by bit, the wall that was built around us is crumbling down.
No other way to fix it,
all you can do it to watch it fall to pieces, and pick up the remnants of what's left.
Everything you thought could keep you safe disintegrates in a flash.
What happens next?
4:52 PM
Sunday, May 9, 2010
say something!
What the hell. Why can't you just piss off. why must you be everywhere right now. Why can't you just get out of my life right now because i don't want anything that has got to do with you.
10:23 PM
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
say something!
I hate admitting it but i hate you for leaving.
I hate you for disappearing.
I hate how everytime you come back, it makes no difference.
I hate how everything is minus one now.
3:39 AM
Sunday, April 25, 2010
say something!
Today will be a day which i will keep hoping knowing nothing will happen.
Today will be a day i will try to believe knowing it will be futile.
Today will be a day that will hopefully be better.
And when the bright morning light shines in, something will change.
11:15 PM
Monday, April 12, 2010
say something!
It suddenly occured to me
while i was at Serene studying alone and smsing a bunch of people.
At the same time, everyone was smsing me about their dinner and i was wondering why the hell was I at macdonalds studying biology.
11:10 PM
say something!
Carnival's over!
it was pretty okay i guess. Basically just walked around with Huiqi, Wanqi, Sarah, Amanda, Rachel hahha!
quite a few people went for carnival!

I screwed up bio test and oral.
and i just didn't know was my chinese oral tester was saying.
I hate school, it's so stressful from the tests to the homework to the after-school remedials.

What's the point in trying if you don't seem to bother at all. Giving up is just much easier than having to try for something that is pointless. I am so confused to the point where i just can't be bothered to try to figure it out anymore because i'm tired of all this.