9:33 PM
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Maybe Love Doesn't Exist
say something!
those times that we had we would always be the best memories of last year, and although we no longer spend time together, we'll always be reminded of how much fun we used to have. And i hope that you will always be happy no matter where you are and no matter how many fights we have i'll still love you.thanks for the times you gave me advice or help me through all my crisis! and no matter how hard we try to hate each other or forget about each other, it will be impossible cause you mean too much to me and we have gone through too much for me to just wipe that out of my head. hopefully, in time to come, we'll be having our "famous " sleepovers, shopping sprees or major sss moments. Please take care and i will always love you.

somehow, there's a empty space in my heart, i have no idea what i need to do to replace that hollow section. what if it turns out to be something else when you have thought it was one thing all this while. Then i ask myself if i should hold on, cause what if the hurt is too much for me to handle and it drives me crazy. And the one thing that is worse than falling out of love is not having fallen in love at all.